一般財団法人アジア農業協同組合振興機関 様

Support for Development and Promotion of Agricultural Cooperatives in Developing Countries” by JA GroupSupport for Development and Promotion of Agricultural Cooperatives in Developing Countries” by JA Group

What is IDACA?

Institute for the Development of Agricultural Cooperation in Asia (IDACA) was established in July 1963 based on a resolution of the 1st Asian Agricultural Cooperative Conference held in Tokyo in April 1962, with the strong leadership of Mr. Yasushi Hasumi, the first president of Central Union of Agricultural Cooperatives (JA ZENCHU). The main purpose of our institute is to contribute to increase of famers’ income and development of regional agriculture and communities through the development and promotion of agricultural cooperatives in the Asian region.
We are conducting human resource development training courses for overseas agricultural cooperative, survey and development cooperation, etc. as specific activities.


What did former participants do after returning to their own country?

The participants who participated in the training are expanding their fields of activity by making good use of knowledge and experience gained through lectures and observations in Japan. For example, they are struggling to establish a farmer's organization in their own countries and working to revitalize the business of agricultural cooperatives, and so on.
Moreover, some of them have held important government posts and worked on rural development at a national-level



Statistics on IDACA’s performance

Over the past half century after establishment of IDACA, we have accepted more than 6,500 participants. The graph shows the number of participants by country and ratio of woman’s participation.


Statistics on IDACA’s performance